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Have you ever asked yourself the question ‘Who Am I?’ Did you find it easy to answer? Yes? No? Let me assume you have never really asked yourself this ‘seemingly simple’ question. So now, I ask ‘WHO ARE YOU?’ 

Tonight, as I sit up writing this note to you, I am also pondering on ‘Who I am’. The truth is that, like you, whenever I ask myself this question, I am not exactly sure how to answer it or describe myself. But then, I have a sense of Who I Am. 

I am who God says I am. I am his daughter, created in His image and likeness.

I am a woman sent to the world to fulfil a purpose. I have a specific assignment.

I am one out of billions on the face of the earth, yet I am unique and I matter.

I am God’s choice for His assignment; I CAN because he has called me to. 

I am much more than I think I am, I evolve and keep discovering myself.

I am valuable to God and man because He has put so much in me.

I have a lot to give and an assignment to fulfil. I deliver all he has sent me to and push beyond limitations. I am a lot more and I am still discovering myself. God reveals ‘Who I Am’ per time, as it suits His purpose. As He gives me new assignments to fulfil, I discover a new version of who I am. As I speak, write, and declare who I am today, God affirms it and gives me the capacity to fulfil His assignment.

So now, I challenge you to ask this ‘seemingly simple’ question ‘Who am I?’ 

Discover what God has put within you and bless the world with you gifts.

Love always,

Written by Temitayo Abiri. 

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